Brotherhood Mutual Foundation Kingdom Advancing Grant

Search Results

There are 21 item(s) tagged with the keyword "safety".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 21

11. Is Pikachu Hiding Under a Pew Near You?

Have you checked under your seat in church lately? There may be more hidden in the shadows than communion wafer crumbs. If you’re among the 30 million players of Pokémon Go, Pikachu may join you in church.

Tags: property, safety, risk, protect, liability, outdoor activities
12. Boating Safety: Remain Vigilant while on the Water

Boating is a popular choice of summer activity for groups across the country. Whether your group uses canoes on a winding river, rafts on a whitewater rapid, kayaks on a lake, or motorboats in the open ocean, taking the proper precautions can help keep your group safe on the water.

Tags: risk, safety, water safety, liability, outdoor activities, protect
13. Water Inflatables: Be Safe and Have Fun

Introducing water inflatables, slides, or trampolines to a pool or lake can add a new dimension of fun to your group’s lineup of water activities. While these attractions can ramp up the excitement associated with a swimming trip on a hot day, they also introduce some unique risk management concerns.

Tags: risk, safety, swim safety, water safety, liability, outdoor activities, protect
14. Swim Safety: Help Your Group Enjoy a Day in the Sun

Swimming is a timeless summer activity. Regardless of whether your group visits a pool, recreation center, ocean, or pond, keep the following safety precautions in mind to assure safety as your group enjoys fun in the sun.

Tags: liability, outdoor activities, protect, risk, safety, swim safety, water safety
15. Vehicle Management is Safety Management

Ministry-owned and -operated vehicles may be one of the greatest liability threats ministry leaders must manage. The aftermath of an accident involving ministry participants, especially children, is something no church or ministry wants to experience.

Tags: protect, safety, vehicle safety
16. Training a Church Safety Team

Simply having a church safety team is not enough, especially if team members cannot respond properly to medical emergencies or threats against the pastor or members of the congregation. Team members must train continuously to master appropriate skills for the roles they’re assigned.

Tags: medical emergency, medical team, protect, safety, security, security team
17. Mission Trips: More Than "Just Do It" Situations

Participating in a mission trip is a great way to make a positive difference in today’s chaotic world. Before your ministry leaves on its next missions adventure, make sure you are organized and equipped for a safe trip.

Tags: coverage, Faith Ventures, liability, mission travel, protect, safety
18. Sorting Through Mission Travel Insurance

As your church mission team prepares for a short term international trip, it’s important to think through what risks your team will be exposed to and what insurance coverage you may need while you do God’s work abroad.

Tags: mission travel, protect, Faith Ventures, safety, insurance, coverage, liability
19. Prepare Now for Spring Storms

With the arrival of spring, weather concerns gradually shift from snow and frozen pipes to flooding and lightning storms. By taking these precautions, your church can get a head start on storm preparedness, so an emergency situation won’t catch your ministry off guard.

Tags: weather emergency, lightning, storms, safety, protect
20. Protecting Staff Members Is a 'Must Do' for Churches

Church security is a broad undertaking. A variety of situations may call the church’s security team to action, but protecting staff members may be one of its chief responsibilities. Staff members can be some of the most vulnerable people to consider when forming a security program.

Tags: protect, liability, safety, security, security team, protecting staff members

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 21